January 19, 2025
Types of Computer
Dominant form of computer before microcomputers.
- Powerful
- Expensive. Can cost £100,000s to millions.
- Large. Used by banks, universities, public authorities and large companies.
- Environment. Kept in air-conditioned rooms.
- Special staff needed to operate them.
- Accessed by "dumb terminals".
- Limited to software written specifically for them.
Data handling tasks:
- File maintenance. Records of sales, payrolls, credit cards, social security etc. Data stored centrally and accessed by remote users. Currently being replaced by minicomputers in med. sized companies.
- Simulations. Weather forcasting, engineering etc where powerful mathematical modelling is required. Again minicomps being used now.
- General Purpose. E.g. in unis where different departments would be apportioned space. PCs replacing this.
Powerful, special purpose, originally seen as small mainframes. Cost in the £100,000s. Used for "heavy duty" computing and networks. Uses include:
- Plant Control. Collection of data from sensors in industrial/engineering facilities.
- Network Control. Central computer storage and control of networks. Act as servers hosting e-mail and www facilities.
- Databases
Powerful PCs using RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) chip. Engineering work fast, powerful. Cost- £10,000s to £100,000s. Dominated by Sun Microsystems. Uses include:
- Animation
- Simulations e.g. industrial plant behaviour.
- Multitask programming
Individual use but increasingly connected to networks. As there power increases they are replacing mainframes and minicomputers. Uses include:
- Word processing
- Spreadsheets
- Games
- Servers
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